FAQs about tickets in FW '22

We know that the news of Freak Wars 2022 about tickets can raise some doubts among those who have come to the event other years and also among newcomers.
For this reason, we have created this article with the most frequent questions related to the tickets. Also, if you have any question or problem with the tickets, you can write to us at info@freakwarsmadrid.com
How can I buy tickets for Freak Wars 2022?
You can do it from our website. Here you have the videotutorial with all the steps.
As you can see it is very simple. You have to go to our website, next select the ticket you preffer, then create an account or do login, and finally finnish the proccess with credit card or paypal.
You will recieve the confirmation to your mail inbox. But, if you have any problem, write us to info@freakwarsmadrid.com
I have bought the tickets but, where can I download it?
You have to go to your profile. To access it you just have to log in and go to the "My tickets" section. We explain it in this video:
Remember, it is not necessary to print your ticket. You can show them in your mobile phone in the main access to the event.
We also insist that the purchased tickets be carefully reviewed so that there is no failure in the purchased modality.
Finally I can't go to the event, what can I do with my tickets?
FW '22 tickets are not assigned by name, so you can give them to everyone.
Even more, if you don't know anyone interested in assist to FW '22, you cas use the Ticket transfer section. Following this link you will know how to use it.
Do children have to paid tickets?
From 0 to 5 years old; tickets are free. The ticket option is Dragon Egg ticket.
From 6 to 14 years old: tickects cost 8€. The ticket option is Dragon Hatchling ticket.
The modality of the child ticket is the same as that of the accompanying adult. For example, if the adult has the weekend ticket, is the same for the child. If the adult has the early access, is the same for the child.
If I want to be part of any tournament or contest, what I have to do?
There is no problem. You can subscribe to any activity. You only have to get the ticket to access to the event and enjoy all the activities!
How to get my merchandising?
If you have bought merchandising, you will have to go to our Info point allocated in the ground floor. You will have to show the receipt with the order number and get your merchan.
What means early access?
You can buy the Early Access ticket for the event. This ticket will give you the possibility to access at 9:15am instead of 10:00am. 45 extra minutes with all stock waiting for you. Also, you can take advantage of the Stand Route coupons to get your gifts from the brands that supports this propotion. The Early Access is limited to 200 people.
With my ticket, am I guaranteed access?
Yes, as long as the capacity of the venue is not at its maximum and the ticket corresponds to the day on which you try to enter.
In the case of full capacity, for security, it will be necessary to wait for people to leave to enter. In the case of ticket purchased on a different day, it will be necessary to purchase a new one.