
Mon, 04/29/2024 - 12:29
In this article we tell you all the tickets, merchandising and packs that exist for Freak Wars 2024, which will be held on September 7 and 8, 2024 in…
Tue, 08/23/2022 - 17:43
We know that the news of Freak Wars 2022 about tickets can raise some doubts among those who have come to the event other years and also among…
Tue, 04/05/2022 - 22:33
INTRODUCTION Discrimination for any reason, whether due to gender, race, religion, ideology, or any other reason not included here, will not be…
Tue, 04/05/2022 - 22:33
INTRODUCTION Discrimination for any reason, whether due to gender, race, religion, ideology, or any other reason not included here, will not be…
Tue, 11/23/2021 - 21:50
Along with the campaign to make Freak Wars 2022 happen, we are also launching our merchandising products for this new edition. This time they…
Tue, 11/23/2021 - 16:21
As each ticket sold is a gift for us because it brings us a little bit closer to be able to held Freak Wars 2022, we want to thank you in the form of…
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 13:50
The miniature of Freak Wars online 2021 is here! Along with the rest of this year's merchandising, we are proud to present Holy Sister, our very own…
Tue, 05/25/2021 - 08:50
How can I contribute with FWO21 We are still working to make Freak Wars Online 2021 a great event, despite the circumstances. But that won't be…
Sun, 05/16/2021 - 17:23
The video presentation series Road to Freak Wars '21 has begun As last year, Freak Wars will have an online edition in 2021 and, in order to…
Fri, 10/23/2020 - 21:00
As you know we raffled several Hobby products among all of you who participated in our crowdfunding. For every 10€ donated you got a ticket in the…
Sat, 09/12/2020 - 18:08
This year we have a lot of brands in our event and some of them had inclded special discounts during the event. Here you have the complet list with…
Sat, 09/12/2020 - 18:07
The Cosplay Contest is going on and is time to decide what is the best for you!! Here you have the link where you can vote for the best…
Wed, 09/09/2020 - 13:40
From Freak Wars we are very excited to announce a collaboration between events dedicated to the hobby. This collaboration seeks to unite Freak…
Fri, 08/28/2020 - 14:49
With great enthusiasm we start our crowdfunding on the Goteo platform Many times you have asked us why we didn't set up a crowdfunding or a…
Thu, 08/27/2020 - 21:52
As we announced several weeks ago, The Crab Samurai will be the commemorative miniature of this edition. It's based on the fantastic cosplay created…
Thu, 08/27/2020 - 14:19
Tonight at 22:00 (GMT+2) we present our Crowdfunding campaign on our streaming channels: YouTube, Facebook and Twitch. We will have many…
Mon, 08/24/2020 - 14:58
One more year the contests that we will have in Freak Wars will have some very high level judges. It is one of the aspects that makes us most excited…
Sat, 08/22/2020 - 23:20
It already happened last year and this one seemed to going to be the same. The Kill Team tournament has been filled in record time. The places were…