This weekend was the one chosen to open the registrations for almost all Freak Wars tournaments, but not everything went as expected. So, first of all, we would like to apologise for the problems we had this weekend with our email provider. It couldn't have failed at a more inopportune time, right at the opening of the tournaments. This failure made that emails could not be sent from the website. As the emails are necessary to create accounts or recover them, it has been impossible for new users, or those who had forgotten their password, to access the website with an account.
Therefore, from the whole team, and especially the team in charge of the website, we would like to apologise for all the problems caused.
However, this morning we have already fixed the problem and, hopefully, this time we won't have that problem with the emails again. Even so, if you have any doubts, you can access our Discord server and ask any questions or make any comments you consider appropriate.
We encourage you to sign up for the tournaments, both physical and virtual, so that you can enjoy your favourite games in this edition of Freak Wars!
And in case you have any problem with the registration, here are some cases that may occur to you:
I click on register and it keep on requesting the register forever
In this case you must enter the cart and check if the product has been added to it. If the activity is in the cart, check that it is only with one unit and continue with the purchase process.
I click on the register button in the registration window but it does nothing
It is likely that you may have not accepted all the conditions for registration. Check it by scrolling down to make sure that all the conditions are checked.
If you have any other questions or problems, we can help you on Discord: